I have pleaded with my doctor to please tell me about that one magic card I have been convinced is hiding in his pocket. He kept telling me he was asking plastic surgeons and other specialists for thoughts. All to no avail. I had to take matters into my own hands. I just knew there was an answer other than his suggestion out there.
Why? Because my son refused his suggestion and I am his advocate. What suggestion? The one where they perform yet another rare surgery to completely obliterate the left ear canal. What does that entail? Basically the doctor removes the bad tissue then folds down the ligaments "and stuff" to fill the canal sealing it at the end (where we would usually see an opening) with cartilage.
Pros: 90% chance of success
Cons: 10% chance of failure, my son is adamant that he doesn't want it. He doesn't want anything else that makes him look different.
Well, what is any self-respecting advocate to do? Drive to the next state over for another opinion (of course). It was my honest belief (however ignorant or delusional) that by going 1 1/2 hours East we would somehow encounter a doctor who knows all about this "other" procedure. You know the one my son says yes to & has a 100% success rate! Ah yes you know the one!
Believe it or not this doctor suggested what our surgeon was already telling us. I think it was the most devastating day we have had in quite some time. After the appointment I couldn't even discuss it. I seriously believed there was going to be an answer there. My husband was not even a bit surprised. Clearly we live in 2 very different realities.
While talking with our surgeon the other day my son had a moment where he hid his face and refused to discuss the topic further. The doctor agreed to give us some "take home" powder to try to keep the ear under control for now.
We will continue to wait. You probably wonder what I am waiting for. That makes 2 of us! Doc keeps saying "it doesn't exist yet" so I suppose I am just waiting for "it" to exist or my son to change his mind about the obliteration. I know you probably wonder why I let him(Braydon) decide.
Well..It is his body after-all. This is his journey. These choices we make affect him for the rest of his life. If I don't let him be in control.of his body (within reason) now then when does he get control? Breaking it down a bit simpler, a toddler says no to a hug to a family member. They should have that right. It is their body that is being touched, after all. So, until medically necessary we will wait, on the crest of something new to fix this issue.